Sunday, April 25, 2010

winding down riding at this school

this weekend, we had our last lessons at the local riding school, but i haven't posted any pix of riding of late, so i thought i'd catch up a bit. both days this weekend, sabin rode her favorite horse, zidan. it was a bittersweet parting from him and i think he will miss her as much as she misses him. they have a special relationship.


sabin and zidan get a bit of instruction from peter on saturday

boogie was a naughty pony last sunday. that's cindy right ahead of him. isn't she cute?

here's a hint of the naughties.

being good for a moment.

sabin learned a lot when the instructor helped her school him out of some naughtiness.
it's actually good for you to ride a difficult horse.
we're looking at horses at a horse "dealer" on tuesday. we're pretty excited about that. he's where the school has bought most of their horses, so we're hoping he has the right one for us!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

As you know, you can't really learn to ride if you only ride the easy ones. It's a fine line when the child is yours, but to ride, they need to RIDE. Good for Sabin and you for letting her ride a naughty pony, BTW, I got knocked down, dragged and clipped by a hoof today by a nervous equine, so I am probably not a good example!