Friday, January 23, 2009

yes, we are still alive

we've just been offline for a few days while we did this...

forced child to look at giant rock (supposed birth "certificate" of denmark) in freezing cold wind:

climbed 170 stairs to the top of a lighthouse:

made husband do jump shots on the windy top of an old german bunker:

explored every bunker within a 5 km radius:

and climbed on them:

ate an obscene amount of food:
and then some more:
had a hard time making child leave cold beach:
indulged in a bit of silliness in the cut up barrel of a giant german gun:
walked around copenhagen in furry purple boots:
went up the round tower as it got dark:
and much, much more....

1 comment:

Extranjera said...

Oh no! Hakkebøf med blødeløg. Now I flippen miss Denmark and am seriously hungry. Thanks!