Monday, July 29, 2013

summer of fun - denmark 2013!

we've had an actual warm, sunny summer this year, so i thought i'd share some photos of what we've (and by we i mean mostly sabin) have been up to. most of them are on facebook as well, but i wasn't sure how often you checked there. sabin's spent loads of time on the trampoline with friends. they actually set up the tripod and took these jump shots of themselves!

not all of the timing was perfect, but i love how they jumped out of the shot on this one, so i had to share it anyway.

they took a lot of photos of one another. i'm not sure where these sunglasses came from. i suspect they were left here by big sister mathilde.

sabin's got crazy pink and purple tips colored on her hair. it's been super cute, tho' she says she wants to go back to her normal color for the start of school. after all the sunshine, it's faded quite a lot since this shot was taken a few weeks ago.

the girls are crazy for boy band one direction. we've actually bought tickets for a concert in england next may. we had to buy them more than a year ahead of time!

we have thoroughly enjoyed molly's kittens and molly recovered amazingly from her mastitis. we got the most amazing honey medicine from the vet and it was practically miraculous how quickly it healed her sore.

we had time to visit friends and hang out in a colorful hammock.

we moved matilde to a stable that's very close to our house (sabin could bike over there) and she got to spent july out on grass in the pasture. she is transformed into a relaxed, sweet horse. our shoer has been on vacation, but she really, really needs new shoes!

sabin spent a beautiful, sunny afternoon in the garden, tie-dyeing everything she could lay her hands, shorts, tops...we're all rainbows now!

she transformed a plain white pair of vans into fabulous rainbows.

here they're almost done.

we had a nice, relaxed ride on matilde on a sunny, summer day. the flies got very, very bad after this, both regular flies and nasty biting horse flies, so we haven't really ridden since (she also threw a shoe and the others were getting loose, so we're waiting for the shoer as well). the horse seems very happy to have time off anyway, so it's all good.

another afternoon, we took easels out and painted in the garden. we were so fortunate to have absolutely gorgeous weather. it made for loads of strawberries as well - our plants produced for at least a month. i made jam and loads of strawberry juice and froze quite a lot for smoothies too.

sabin has, to my great delight, spent lots of time with the camera. she wants to switch lenses for different purposes and knows how to select aperture and ISO and she frequently uses the tripod and sets a timer on the camera. she's a budding photographer, for sure.

she got creative with fabric and made herself some hairbows. this one is my favorite, tho' she made herself a whole wardrobe of them.

i couldn't resist one kitten shot from today - this is ellie and frieda. ellie will go to her new home tomorrow - an old colleague of mine wants her and they're very excited about having a cat. frieda, we're keeping - she's a little molly and my best little buddy. they're exceptional kittens, thanks to having been at least partially bottle fed for a couple of weeks while molly was sick. they love people.

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